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About RJ Care

RJ Care Services Ltd is committed to meeting the needs of those people entrusted to our care. Usually we see no conflict between meeting the needs of Service Users and those of workers. Where such conflict exists, the needs of Service Users must take precedence.

Our aim is to deliver care which improves the lives of our service users and that treats them, and their families, with respect, dignity and compassion. We believe that our services should not only comply with regulatory standards, but that they should also deliver excellence and promote overall wellbeing

Our mission is to provide flexible, community-based care support of the highest standard, that promotes independence, dignity and choice.


The care worker recognises your right to be left alone, undisturbed and free from intrusion and public attention. You have the right to privacy with regard to both your personal affairs and belongings. Written permission will be sought for access to your records. Your rights to confidentiality will be safeguarded. The care worker will not disclose any personal information about you to a third party unless this has been agreed with you..


You will be consulted about daily living arrangements and enabled to participate in discussions about any proposed changes to those arrangements. You will be fully involved in and fully informed with respect to the individual assessment of your support needs. You have a right to be involved in a careful and thorough assessment of your needs and wishes, and to be informed of the outcome.

Personal Choice

Your support worker will support you to exercise your personal choice in opportunities and lifestyle. The support worker will ensure that you are central to all decisions being made. If, for reasons of mental frailty, you are not able to participate fully in Service User Planning, consideration will nevertheless be given to your wishes, as far as these are expressed and are practical.

Our Philosophy of care

We are dedicated to developing progressive, person-centred and cost-effective support services which produce positive, measurable outcomes for the service users. We believe that everyone could learn new skills and achieve improved levels of independence and enhanced self-esteem when provided with the appropriate support. Key to these services will be ongoing service user consultation, through tailored communication approaches, and involvement in all aspects of service provision such as, support planning, risk assessment and service reviews. Thus, allowing service users to take control over their own lives and how their services are delivered.

We believe that everyone has the right to be a valued and contributing member of their local community irrespective of any disabilities and will support our service users to undertake any community-based activities/pastimes or interests that they wish to pursue. We understand the importance of family contact to the service users and value the ongoing and regular involvement of families in service provision and decision making. We believe very strongly in supporting service users to maintain regular and meaningful family contact. We are committed to establishing and maintaining the right ethos in all our staff teams from the outset. Staff members are carefully selected for their skills, knowledge, attitudes and values. High standards and good working practices are maintained through appropriate, ongoing training and personal development programmes as well as regular supervisions for all staff.